Old Mill Home & School Association Inc. Bylaws



Article I. Name

The Name of the organization shall be the Old Mill Home and School Association Inc.


Article II. Objective

The objective of the OMH&S is to foster a close relationship between the student families, educators, staff and administration of the Old Mill community with the purpose of enriching and enhancing the experience of each child. The group and/or its officers shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian and non-partisan.


Article III. Membership

Section 1. Eligibility:

  1. Any parent/guardian of an Old Mill student, educator or member of the staff or administration may become an active member of OMH&S by completing the Membership Application form and submitting the Membership Fee.
  2. Only members in good standing may hold office, make actions, or debate and vote on issues.
  3. Honorary members shall be those whom the General membership decides to honor. They shall have no vote, pay no dues and hold no office.


Section 2. Dues:

  1. Board officers shall determine the amount of membership dues.


Article IV. Government

Section 1. Executive Board

  1. The officers of OMH&S shall consist of a President, Vice-President (optional two), Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer.
  2. The Executive Board shall consist of all officers and the Principal of the school or his representative. The past President shall be an honorary member.
  3. The duties of the Executive Board shall be to transact business to promote the objective of OMH&S, to approve the plans of work of Standing and Special Committees and to present reports at General Membership meetings.
  4. The Executive Board shall attend all General Membership meetings.
  5. Officers shall be appointed to their positions during the June General Membership meeting and will begin their terms August 1st.
  6. Officers will serve terms of one year duration.
  7. No officer shall be eligible for the same office for more than two consecutive terms unless no other member in good standing steps forth.
  8. Executive Board officers shall be appointed by the President to act as Committee Contacts to facilitate communication between the Executive Board and Standing/Special Committees.


Article V. Election of Executive Board Members

Section 1. President

  1. The office of President shall be held by a member in good standing who has served at least one term on the Executive Board and preferably also as a Committee Chairperson. In the event no such candidate steps forward, members in good standing who have served as Committee Chairpersons may declare their intentions to serve prior to the May General Membership meeting. Elections will be held at the May General Membership meeting. Members in good standing may vote.
  2. The remaining Executive Board Officers shall be held by members in good standing, preferably with at least one year service on the Executive Board or as Committee Chairpersons. In the event more than one candidate steps forward, members in good standing may declare their intention to serve prior to the May General Membership meeting. Elections will be held at the May Membership meeting. Members in good standing may vote.


Article VI. Officers

Section 1. President:

  1. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all Executive Board and General Membership meetings.
  2. The President shall be an ex-officio of all committees
  3. The President shall appoint a committee of three members in good standing to audit OMH&S financial records.
  4. The President shall appoint all standing committee chairpersons.
  5. The President shall appoint all special committees as needed.
  6. The President shall coordinate the work of the Executive Board and all OMH&S committees in order to promote the OMH&S objective.
  7. The President shall present a calendar of events to the Principal and Executive Board for approval by August 1st for the upcoming year.


Sections 2. Vice-President(s)

  1. The Vice-President(s) will act as an aide to the President.
  2. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of President in the event of her/his temporary absence.
  3. The Vice-President will assume the role of President in the event of a resignation.


Section 3. Recording Secretary

  1. The Recording Secretary shall record the minutes of all Executive Board and General Membership meetings and shall have copies of General Membership meetings prepared for distribution at the next meeting.
  2. The Recording Secretary shall forward the General Membership meeting minutes and associated reports to the school administration for publication on the school website.



Section 4. Corresponding Secretary

  1. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of OMH&S as directed by the President and Executive Board officers.
  2. The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for any and all notices sent to the General Membership from the President, Executive Board, and all Standing or Special Committee Chairpersons.
  3. The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for obtaining approval from the school administration for all notifications prior to distribution.


Section 5. Treasurer:

  1. The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the General Membership, shall keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, and shall pay out local funds only as authorized by the Executive Board or General Membership.
  2. The Treasurer shall present a statement of account at every meeting of the Executive Board, General Membership, and at other times when requested by the Executive Board.
  3. The Treasurer shall be present at the time of financial audit and shall perform such duties as may be requested.
  4. The Treasurer shall file an Annual Report in accordance with the Corporate Rules with the Secretary of the State of New Jersey following the announcement of officers at the June General Membership meeting.




Article VII. Executive Board Duties

Section 1. Planning:

  1. The Executive Board shall meet in August to hold planning session to develop and outline plans for achieving project and fundraising plans for the upcoming year.
  2. The Executive Board shall review and approve the calendar of events for the upcoming year as set forth by the President.
  3. Executive Board members shall act as Committee Contacts and contact their respective committee chairpersons in August to establish rapport, confirm event dates and offer support to each committee.


Section 2. Finance:

  1. The Executive Board shall approve routine bills within the limit of the budget. The Executive Board shall have to power to approve non-budgeted funds up to $200.00 without the approval of the General Membership.


Section 3. Quorum:

  1. A quorum of the Executive Board shall consist of the Principal or his representative and three members of the Executive Board.


Article VIII. Standing Committees

Section 1. Committees

  1. The Executive Board will determine what Standing Committees are necessary to promote the objective of OMH&S, however, the President will appoint the chairpersons of these committees with the approval of the Board. Committee Chairperson positions should be filled by the June General Membership meeting for the upcoming year.
  2. Committee Chairpersons and committee members shall serve terms of one year starting and concluding at the June General Membership meeting each year.
  3. Committee Chairpersons shall present plans to the Executive Board via their Executive Board Contact person and no work shall be initiated or expenses incurred without approval of the Executive Board.


Article IX. Vacancies

Section 1. Presidential Vacancies:

  1. In the event of a Presidential Resignation, the Vice-President shall fill the position.
  2. In the event of a vacancy in any other position, the President shall appoint a member in good standing to the vacant position.


Article X. Meetings

Section 1. Executive Board Meetings

  1. The Executive Board shall meet in August to develop project and fundraising plans for the upcoming year and to approve the calendar as set forth by the President and Principal.
  2. The Executive Board will meet throughout the year as needed.


Section 2. General Membership Meetings

  1. General Membership meetings will be held from September through June as determined by the President and Executive Board, based on the calendar of events.
  2. General Membership meeting dates and times will be published on the school calendar on the website at the beginning of the school year. The Recording Secretary will also publish reminders via school email prior to each meeting. The President will include a reminder of upcoming meeting dates on each membership agenda.


Section 3. Quorum:

  1. A quorum of the General Membership will consist of 2/3 of the members in good standing present at the meeting.



Article XI. Scholarship

Section 1. Scholarship Committee:

  1. The Scholarship Committee shall be appointed by the President if the Executive Board votes to award scholarships that year.
  2. The Scholarship Committee should include at least three members in good standing, the President and the Principal.
  3. The Scholarship Committee Chairperson shall preside over the committee.
  4. The duty of the Scholarship Committee is to name two Old Mill Home & School Association Scholarship for Higher Education recipients and one C.A.N. Scholarship in Recognition of Exemplary Volunteer Effort recipient.
  5. The financial amount of each scholarship will be suggested by the Scholarship Committee and voted on by the General Membership.


Section 2. Candidates:

  1. The OMH&S Scholarship for Higher Education and C.A.N. Scholarship candidates must have history of two years attendance at Old Mill Elementary School and be a pending graduate of Wall High School.
  2. The OMH&S Scholarship shall be awarded based on consideration of academic performance, extra-curricular activities and an essay related to the candidate’s experiences at Old Mill School. The C.A.N. Scholarship will be based solely on the volunteer endeavors outlined by the candidate in the application essay.
  3. The OMH&S Scholarship monies will be distributed directly to the recipients upon completion of the first full-time semester of higher education and review of first semester transcript demonstrating GPA 2.5 or higher. The C.A.N. Scholarship monies will be distributed directly to the recipient after the scholarship is awarded at the scholarship banquet.


Article XII. Amendments & Procedures

These bylaws may be amended at any General Membership meeting by a 2/3 vote of members in good standing present, providing written notice of the proposed amendment of bylaws is given to the membership no later than seven days prior to that meeting.  For any procedure not covered in the bylaws, refer to Robert’s Rules of Order.


Article XIII. Dissolution

In the event of dissolution of OMH&S, all assets of the OMH&S must be directed to the educational pursuits and/or the enrichment of the students of Old Mill School. These funds shall not be directed to any other entity.


OMH&S Association Inc. Bylaws

November 11, 2015